ISO 14067

ISO 14067 certification focuses on principles and guidelines for quantifying and reporting a product's carbon footprint, consistent with life cycle assessment standards.

Overall Score:


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ISO 14067






ISO 14067 certification validates the quantification and reporting of a product's carbon footprint, aligning with international life cycle assessment standards. It is pertinent across various sectors, including industry, engineering, agriculture, and construction, emphasizing the environmental impact of products from creation to disposal. This certification is particularly relevant for organizations looking to assess and disclose the carbon footprint of their products, without prescribing specific emission reduction or offsetting measures. It also includes a high emphasis on supply chain evaluation, assessing the impact of raw materials, suppliers, design, manufacturing, transportation, consumer use, and disposal or reuse.

Key Features

  • Guidelines for quantifying a product's carbon footprint across its entire life cycle.
  • Emphasizes the importance of supply chain evaluation.
  • Allows the use of secondary data checked by an independent party.


Obtaining ISO 14067 certification involves selecting an external certification body, as ISO itself does not certify organizations. The process includes an external audit by a third-party provider to verify that the standards have been met, requiring the involvement of certified ISO consultants and auditors. The certification process is supported by ISO's Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO), which has produced standards related to certification processes used by certification bodies.

Duration and Renewal

The certification is typically valid for three years, with annual surveillance audits to ensure ongoing compliance. Renewal involves a comprehensive review to confirm that the standards continue to be met, ensuring the certification remains current and relevant.

Impact and Significance

Achieving ISO 14067 certification demonstrates a company's commitment to understanding and reducing its carbon footprint, particularly addressing scope 3 emissions which are beyond direct control. It provides a framework for identifying and acting on opportunities to reduce GHG emissions, offering insights into the life cycle stages responsible for the most emissions. This not only aids in achieving maximum efficiency but also showcases dedication to combating climate change, benefiting both the organization and its stakeholders.