Ensures products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

Overall Score:


Green Hive is not affiliated with any certification organizations and scores are determined through independent analysis.







The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification serves as a benchmark for responsible forest management. It is particularly relevant in the forestry, construction, and paper industries. The certification ensures that wood is harvested from forests that are managed in an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable manner. It also focuses on the well-being of workers, indigenous rights, and local communities. The certification extends to the supply chain, verifying that forest-based materials are used responsibly from the forest to the finished product.

Key Features

  • Three types of labels: FSC 100% for products sourced entirely from well-managed forests, FSC Recycled for products made from 100% recycled materials, and FSC Mix for products sourced from a combination of certified forests and controlled wood.

  • Brands must adhere to laws and ensure long-term benefits across economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

  • Conservation or restoration of ecosystem services and environmental values is required.


Acquiring the FSC certification involves undergoing an on-site audit by an independent certification body. These certifiers are separate from both FSC and the companies they audit. However, it's worth noting that some criticisms have been raised about potential conflicts of interest, as these agencies are paid by the companies they audit. Despite some controversies in countries like Russia and China, the certification has led to positive outcomes, such as the near-zero deforestation rate in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve.

Duration and Renewal

Once granted, the FSC certification is valid for five years. Brands are required to participate in annual surveillance audits to confirm ongoing compliance.

Impact and Significance

Obtaining the FSC certification offers numerous benefits. For organizations, it provides a competitive edge and access to environmentally conscious markets. For customers and stakeholders, it assures that the products they are purchasing or investing in are sourced responsibly. The certification also allows for a Continuous Improvement Procedure, enabling brands to gradually improve their management practices over time.