Climate Neutral

A recognition for businesses that achieve net-zero carbon emissions by balancing their carbon footprint. Essential for sustainable operations.

Overall Score:


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Climate Neutral






The Climate Neutral certification is designed for brands committed to reducing their carbon footprint across their value chain. It requires companies to offset all of their previous year's emissions by purchasing verified carbon and clean energy credits. The certification is relevant for any brand looking to take actionable steps toward sustainability by addressing their carbon emissions comprehensively, from production to customer delivery.

Key Features

  • The organization offers guides, templates, and tools to help companies determine where, and how, they can reduce their emissions.

  • Brands must measure their emissions and assess the carbon impacts of all of their products and services from cradle to customer.

  • Includes direct emissions from the company (Scope 1), indirect emissions from electricity use (Scope 2), and other indirect emissions from sources like suppliers (upstream Scope 3).


Climate Neutral offers two options for measuring a brand's carbon footprint: using a consultant for precise results, or using Climate Neutral’s own software tool for a quicker and more cost-effective approach. Once measured, brands are required to offset these emissions by purchasing eligible credits.

Duration and Renewal

The certification is valid for one year, after which recertification is required. The organization provides guides, templates, and tools to assist companies in identifying areas for emission reduction, making it easier to maintain the certification over time.

Impact and Significance

Obtaining this certification offers significant benefits for both the organization and its stakeholders. For the brand, it serves as a marker of commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. For customers and stakeholders, it provides assurance that the brand is taking tangible steps to mitigate its environmental impact.